Equipments :
- Harness 4 points
- Retractable second landing light, adjustable in elevation
- Anti-corrosion protection limited to landing gear box
- Hourmeter
- Front panes in glass instead of plexiglass
- Pilots intercom
- Public address
- Crew headset H10-13 DC
- Nose wheel caster lock
- Storage unit pilot & copilot doors
- Electrical hoist (227kg, cable 50m) complete instal. (optional)
- HEEL light
- Pilot & copilot adjustable seats in heights
- Rotor brake
- First aid kit
Avionics :
- Dual VHF/AM BendixKing KTR 908
- Dual NAV/VOR/ILS Bendixking KNR 634A
- Transponder BendixKing KXP 756
- Dual Radio altimeter Thomson CNI AHV16
- Thrimble GPS 2101
- GPS 2101 I/O coupler CDV155
- ICS Team TB31 (3. control boxes)
- Coupler SFIM CDV 155
- Fair child CVFDR
- Battery 43 AH
- Hums
- Radar Bendix 1400cc
- ADF BendixKing KDF 806
- Encoded altimeter Badin Crouzet
- ICS Team TB31 (2. control boxes)
- DME King KDM 706A
- VHF/FM Marine NAT NPX 138
- Emergency locator/transmitter KANAD 406AF-H
Medical Equipments :
- Helicopter floorings
- Locker system FWD and AFT (incl. Loading system)
- Guide rail
- Undercarriage Stretcher
- Medical Cabinet incl. oxygen drawer
- Medical Cabinet
- Medical equipment Carrier with supports
- Medical crew seat ( stationary ) and seat adapter
- Medical crew seat ( adjustable) and seat adapter
- Adapte floor